Nite Guards

What is the purpose of getting a Nite Guard? There are different causes that might lead to you grinding your teeth. Grinding your teeth also called bruxism can not only damage your teeth, such as wear down your teeth, cause abfractions, or cause other damage. It can lead to headaches, jaw pain, TMJ problems etc. To mitigate any of those problems a Nite Guard is a worthwhile investment id you don’t expect any changes to your bite.

Once Dr. Van Kooten diagnosed bruxism and you decide to proceed, she takes an impression of your teeth. The impression is sent to the lab where they pour a model of your teeth. Then they manufacture a nite guard off the model and send it back to the office. Your last appointment is very short. Dr. Van Kooten or the Dental Assistant checks to make sure the nite guard fits well and you can easily place it and remove it.