Family Dentistry

If you are a new resident of the Monterey, California area, you’re likely looking for a dentist. Look no further than Dr. Patricia Van Kooten, DMD, with Lighthouse Family Dentistry right in Monterey. Dr. Van Kooten is ready to serve your family’s dental needs--mom, dad, and children. From dental X-rays and exams to bridges and crowns, Dr. Van Kooten ensures a calm, comfortable experience. Contact our office requesting an appointment for yourself or your family.

Family Dentistry Q & A

Family dentistry includes services such as the basic six-month appointment for family members. It also includes restorative dentistry when teeth have been chipped or cracked in an accident or when they have become discolored due to medication, aging, or other factors. Following are examples of the services Dr. Van Kooten provides.

X-rays, Dental exams, and Cleaning

Dr. Van Kooten uses digital X-rays to minimize radiation exposure; conducts an exam of your teeth, gums, and tongue; and ensures your teeth are sparkling clean when you leave her office.

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is a quick and simple procedure that revitalizes your smile in one office visit. Dr. Van Kooten applies a safe bleach solution to your teeth while protecting your lips and gum. You’re sure to smile when you step out of Dr. Van Kooten’s office!

Lumineers, Veneers, and Crowns

Dr. Van Kooten specializes in “smile makeovers.” If you have large gaps between teeth or if some teeth are misshapen, chipped or discolored, veneers and Lumineers are wonderful options to restore your smile. Veneers are thin covers placed over the surface of the affected tooth. Dr. Van Kooten can determine the size, shape, color, and length of the veneer to ensure it matches the surrounding teeth. Lumineers are a proprietary type of veneers that are extra-thin with minimal tooth contouring and more conservative than traditional veneers. Dr. Van Kooten also makes crowns, which are covers or “caps” for teeth that have broken or that have been partially destroyed by decay. All of these solutions result in an amazing new smile that shows bright, even teeth.   

Laser treatment for gum disease, cold and canker sores

Dr. Van Kooten uses the latest treatments to stop gum (periodontal) disease in its tracks. She applies a laser to the affected gum, which kills the bacteria in the gum pockets before it can move into your bloodstream. Lasers are non-invasive and require no anesthesia.

If you have chronic cold sores or canker sores, Dr. Van Kooten has a great solution for you. Lasers destroy the cold and canker sore virus.

Children’s Dental Needs

Dr. Van Kooten accepts dental customers beginning at age two and a half. As a parent, you want to ensure your child develops a positive attitude about oral health and dental visits. Make tooth brushing time fun. Make brushing a game or brush along to your child’s favorite songs. Before the first visit, read your child a story about going to the dentist to help prepare her for what will happen in “the big chair.” Dr. Van Kooten can answer all your questions about home care, diet and snacking, and fluoride treatments.